Our own 4th grader, Kate Weiss has written, edited, and published her own debut book! You can check it out on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0F197DMCM?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title

Important Update for Gretna Families Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, Gretna Public Schools will implement a new 10-point grading scale and transition to an A-F reporting system. This change is part of our District Strategic Plan and is backed by research from our K-12 District Grading Committee. Read the full news article on the district and any school website.
New Grading Scale (2025-2026):
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: Below 60
Why the Change?
• Better alignment with colleges and other schools • Clearer representation of student achievement
• Fall 2025: New grading scale begins
• 2025-2026: Ongoing updates to grading practices
What about past grades?
Grades earned before 2025-2026 will remain the same and not be adjusted.
We’re committed to ensuring a smooth transition for all! For more details, read the full news article on any district and school website or reach out to your school administrator.
#BeGretnaGreat #BuildingAFutureTogether #GradingUpdate

Congratulations to these outstanding students for being recognized by their teachers for demonstrating exceptional HONESTY! Your integrity and strong character make a difference every day. Way to go, Aspen Creek Elementary's February Students of the Month! Keep up the great work!

Next week is Read Across America Week! Take a look at our themed days and special reading opportunities for students and staff.

The school board has approved updated middle school boundaries for the 2025-2026 school year with the opening of Giles Creek Middle School. These changes help balance enrollment and maintain strong educational opportunities. You can read the full article here: https://www.gpsne.org/article/2048704.
Please visit our website and click Boundary Map on the header. View the interactive map and select “Middle 25-26” to see where your student will attend next year: https://www.gpsne.org/page/boundary-map.

It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From March 3rd - March 13th, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase benefits our school!

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming!
SAVE THE DATE for March 3rd - March 13th!
Start exploring together: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/aspencreekelementary1

NO SCHOOL TOMORROW: Due to the forecasted extreme cold during arrival time, Gretna Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19, 2025. As previously scheduled, there will also be no school on Thursday and Friday.
Elementary conferences planned for tomorrow will be rescheduled, with schools providing updated information at a later date.

School Closure Notice: Due to the Winter Storm Warning and forecasted hazardous conditions, Gretna Public Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, February 12th. Stay safe.

Mrs. Diamond's third grade class finished up their forces and motion unit by creating skateparks! They had a blast and used their creativity to work together.

2025-2026 GPS School Calendar
2026-2027 GPS School Calendar
For the first time ever, we are excited to announce that the school calendars for the next two years, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027, are now available!
A special thank you to the Calendar Committee for their time and effort in making this possible. These calendars will allow families to plan vacations and time away well in advance, ensuring students can avoid missing valuable school days.
You can find the calendars under the "Parents" section on all school websites and are available in Printable Flyers for your convenience.

Congratulations to these amazing students for being recognized by their teachers for going above and beyond in the area of EMPATHY! Way to go Aspen Creek Elementary's December Students of the Month!

ANNOUNCEMENT: District office will be closed January 1, 2025

The 2nd Graders at ACE celebrated the Holiday season going to The Nutcracker on December 13th!

Kindness Club is still collecting items with their food drive. We currently are just under 1,000 items and our goal is to get 3,000 items. Let's help the Gretna Neighbors stock their shelves this holiday season!

Kindness Club had an amazing time spreading holiday cheer by ringing bells at our local Hy-Vee for the Salvation Army!

The 2nd Graders had a great time learning about Tony Sarg and the Balloons on Broadway. We created our own Thanksgiving Balloons and paraded around Aspen Creek Tuesday for all to enjoy and kick off the holiday season!

Student Council is putting together a Character Cart that they will use to help work with younger students. We are looking for donations of slightly used items for this cart such as board/card games, legos or craft supplies . Please reach out to Mrs. Heinke with questions.

After learning all about matter, fifth graders put their skills to the test by making the "Perfect Pancakes"!

A special thank you to Staff Sargent Ryan Diamond! He is a veteran in the US Army and took time to come to Aspen Creek and talk to our 1st and 3rd grade students about what it means to be a Veteran. Ryan is Mrs. Diamond's husband. Thank you for your service Ryan!